Monday, 19 December 2016

Expand Marketing Reach with Email Appending Services

Email appending, also known as e-appending, is a marketing practice that involves taking known customer data (first name, last name, and postal address) and matching it against a vendor's database to obtain email addresses. A lot of vendors will promise you all that and more. In reality, the data that many of them provide can put your marketing results and your good name at risk. With Averickmedia as your provider, the businesses benefits of your B2B email append are never in doubt.

Email appending procedure requires both automated and manual tools that can verify and match a company's marketing database with that of data append vendor's in-house database. Then missing email addresses are added and incorrect or redundant email addresses are replaced in the company's existing database.
So if you’re interested in growing your business, contact us today.
Contact Information:-
Call us: 1-281-407-7651
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